Frequently Asked Questions Regarding CNC Machining

Every manufacturing firm wishes to optimize their production by increasing output and decreasing costs. An excellent way of doing this is using CNC machining. There are various aspects about these machines that manufacturers still find difficult to understand. Here are common FAQs with their answers.

Why should you go for CNC machines?

The main reason manufacturers opt for these types of machines is overall efficiency. The machines are automated, which means that a computer operates most production activities to improve its quality and speed.

There wouldn’t be any instances of production stoppage because human labor has become fatigued and requires breaks.

The computerized numerical control machines are shut down only when they require maintenance. There is no interruption whatsoever, ensuring a more efficient level of

production, which traditional modes of production would never reach.

What is Accuracy in CNC Machining?

In a layman’s language, accuracy is the differentiating measurements of your actual drawings from the measurements of your machines. When the difference between the two measurements is less, then the accuracy of the precision engineering project is said to be high. Whereas when the difference is significant, then the accuracy levels of your machines are low.

For instance, when you go to Cheshire Seals and Components looking for a computerized numerical control cutting tool, and we tell you our machines are highly accurate. What we mean is that if you program the machine to cut 50mm, it will cut exactly that. In other words, it is the degree of conformity.

What is Precision in a computerized numerical control machine?

When you precision a CNC machine, it basically means the reliability of the cutting tool. It’s a measurement that outlines the capability of a machine to give the same measurement over and over again. In other words, it’s the repeatability of measurements.

If you are looking to acquire reliable information to use for further calculations, then it is wise to ensure that the machine has good repeatability. The measure is excellent if you wish to get accurate and precise measurements.

What is Tolerance in a Precision Engineering Project?

Tolerance refers to a measuring system’s predictable deviance or allowance from the standard value. It’s usually expressed as +/-. For example, you have a computerized numerical control machine that has a predictable deviation of +/- 0.001mm. This means that your CNC machining will always introduce an allowance of +/-0.001mm in every cut. The allowance can either be less or more than the standard value.


These are some of the frequently asked questions with their answers. They have put you in a better position to understand CNC machining terms. When looking for the best machine for cutting purposes, you have to keep in mind its tolerance, accuracy, and precision.

It will always give an edge to select the right cutting tool for your production. Contact Cheshire Seals and Components for consultations and other related services. We are always here to help all our customers find their desired cutting tool.