What is CNC Machining?
CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining is a modern process many industries have adopted over the years. After the transition into the Information Age, computer technology has grown exponentially. With the growth of computer technology, many fields have seen exceptional progress. CNC Machining in the North West is one such field where the development of computer technology has helped its progress.
CNC machining can be defined as the subtractive manufacturing process in which computers are used to control factory tools and machinery. This process is used to operate complex machinery, and third-dimensional cutting tasks can be completed with minimal human input.
Principles of CNC Machining
The principles of CNC machining involve using both software and hardware. There are various types of CNC machines, but all of them work on the same principles. It is a manufacturing process where computer software is used to operate the machines to move the tools. The computer software used contains G – Code and M – Code. A manufacturing team can also develop a unique program to operate the machinery. CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) are also used to execute the machinery.
Advantages of CNC Machinery compared to traditional machinery
Compared to traditional machinery, CNC Machinery revolutionized the manufacturing process. Here are some of the advantages of CNC Machinery:
Flexibility in using machine tools
Traditional machines had many separate elements that workers would use in the manufacturing process. However, CNC machines combined most of the work in fewer processes. Since the machines can be programmed to execute tasks that required precision, work can be simplified.
Labour economy
The traditional manufacturing process was labour-intensive and also required a lot of personnel. CNC machines have significantly reduced the labour required during the manufacturing process, resulting in reduced hiring costs.
CNC machines significantly reduced the risks of work hazards. Traditional machines had a lot of risks involved because of the manual labour required to operate the machines. CNC machines require very little human interaction and thus reducing the number of risks that come with the job.
Type of CNC Machines
There a variety of CNC Machines, every one of them follow the same principles. But they have different functions. Some of them are listed below:
CNC Mills
They are used in tapping, drilling, face milling, shoulder milling and others. These machines typically apply the use of G – code. Uses programs to move the workpiece or spindle to different locations.
Plasma Cutters
Plasma cutters use plasma torches to cut hard materials such as metal but can also be used in various other materials. Gas is blown out of the nozzle at a very high speed, and an electrical arc is produced from the nozzle to the material, turning some of the gas into plasma. It generates enough heat for the metal being cut, and the high pressurized air is enough to blow away portions of the metal being cut.
Water Jet Cutters
These tools use highly pressurized water to cut materials such as metal. The water is sometimes mixed with abrasive substances. This tool is used in cases when the material is sensitive to heat.